{{site}} showcases a variety of apps that I've written for fun and for educational purposes over the years. Indeed, it is perhaps better to call them funcational, since the ones for "fun" coincidentally teach us, and the "educational" ones are often fun. Take a moment to explore and indulge in guilty nerd pleasures!
I am a language geek extraordinaire. It doesn't matter whether you're talking Greek, Latin, German, Italian, or Irish, or whether you're coding Java, Perl, Python, Basic, C++, PHP, SQL, or Javascript—I love them all.
I started my linguistic adventures simply by reading widely, hundreds of books a year from 4th to 6th grade—back when I first read C. S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien. Once I learned of Tolkien's academic scholarship on Germanic languages, I began to appreciate how language study could intersect with fantasy and scifi. His fictional scripts and languages provided the chief models for almost all the conlangs which have followed, and I remember reading and writing some of his runes in elementary school. When I was 12, my family got a PC, and I almost immediately started hacking computer games I played and making some simple games of my own. Moria, Darklands, and the AD&D Krynn series are some of the more memorable computer games I played, and I was introduced to pen and paper RPGs, specifically D&D Basic and AD&D, around the same time by a friend.
Bene tibi sit! I wish you well. And please let me know if you have questions or comments!